Admin view for Food Order App
I completed a project where I built static web pages for the admin side of a Food Order application. I developed a user-friendly admin dashboard and designed all the additional linked pages to ensure a seamless experience for administrators. Altogether, I created 11 web pages: the main admin dashboard, plus pages for adding categories, cuisines, restaurants, food items, and menus for specific restaurants. I also built pages to list all the categories, cuisines, and restaurants. The project was a valuable opportunity for me to refine my skills in creating clean and well-organized web interfaces tailored for admin use.
Skills & Tools Covered
HTML, Web development
Styling the admin view of Food Order App
I worked on a project that focused on styling the web pages for the admin side of a Food Order application. This involved taking the 11 web pages I had built earlier—like the admin dashboard and pages for adding and listing categories, cuisines, restaurants, and more—and giving them a polished, cohesive look. It was all about enhancing the user interface with thoughtful design choices to make the admin experience visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Skills & Tools Covered
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Basics of JavaScript project 1
I completed a project where I built small programs in JavaScript to sharpen my logic-building skills. I worked with core concepts like variables, data types, operators, if-else statements, loops, and functions. The project was a great way to strengthen my understanding of JavaScript fundamentals while practicing how to structure and solve problems efficiently
Skills & Tools Covered
Basic programming using JavaScript: variables, Datatypes, Operators, if-else statements, Loops, and Functions
Basics of JavaScript project 2
I worked on a project aimed at building small JavaScript programs to enhance and evaluate my logic-building skills. This project introduced me to more advanced concepts, such as anonymous functions, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE), objects, callback functions, and working with JSON. It was a great opportunity to strengthen my knowledge of JavaScript and understand how these features are used to create more dynamic and efficient code solutions.
Skills & Tools Covered
Anonymous functions, IIFE, Objects, Callback functions, and JSON
DOM manipulation in JavaScript Assessment
I built a portfolio website as part of a project where I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Throughout the process, I applied concepts of DOM manipulation to make the site interactive and dynamic. It was a great way to showcase my skills while gaining hands-on experience with web development technologies and improving my understanding of how to manipulate elements on a webpage.
Skills & Tools Covered
HTML, CSS, and DOM Manipulation using JavaScript and dynamic webpages
JavaScript ES6 and OOP Part 1
I worked on a project where I built a small Recipe Book App. The goal was to create a one-page website that allowed users to add, edit, delete, and display recipes. During this project, I used ES-6 features like let, const, object destructuring, template strings, and more to make the app more efficient and maintainable. It was a great opportunity to practice modern JavaScript techniques while building a functional, interactive web application.
Skills & Tools Covered
let, const, object destructuring, template strings
JavaScript ES6 and OOP Part 2
I worked on a project called the Football Database app, where I created a web-based application that allowed users to browse and search for information about various football clubs. The app provided details like the club's name, logo, city, players, and more. Throughout the project, I used ES6 features such as map, filter, find, includes, join, and template strings to make the application dynamic and efficient. It was a great way to apply modern JavaScript techniques while building a useful, interactive database.
Skills & Tools Covered
ES6,map(),filter(),find(),includes(),join(),template strings
Advanced JavaScript Assessment
I worked on a project where I built a basic web-based Food Order application. The goal was to create an app that allowed users to register, sign in, and browse a list of available food items and restaurants. It was a great project to practice working with user authentication and dynamic content, and it helped me improve my skills in building functional web applications.
Skills & Tools Covered
Windows session storage,Fetch API, Await, and JSON
Data Structures using JavaScript Assessment
I worked on a project called the Video Player App, where I built an application that incorporated various concepts of the Array data structure. I implemented features like searching for an item in an array, shuffling array items, and finding the previous and next items in the array. During this project, I used array methods like indexOf and length, along with Math module methods such as Math.floor and Math.random to create dynamic and interactive functionality.
Skills & Tools Covered
Array manipulation, Array shuffling, Array methods, and math functions
Building a Food Order App with React
I built the Food Order App using ReactJS, where I developed both the home page for the user-side view and the admin pages. This project gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into React, learning how to create dynamic and interactive pages while working with components, state, and props to manage the user interface effectively.
Skills & Tools Covered
ReactJS basics, Virtual DOM, JSX, Functional components, props and state, handling, rendering, References, and fragments
Database design and insert operation for Food Order App using MySQL
I built the Food Order App using ReactJS, where I developed both the home page for the user-side view and the admin pages. This project gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into React, learning how to create dynamic and interactive pages while working with components, state, and props to manage the user interface effectively.
Skills & Tools Covered
MySQL, MySQL Workbench, database design, create database, create tables, insert statements
Retrieving records from database of Food Order App using MySQL
I worked on a project where I retrieved various records from the Food Order App database using MySQL. My responsibilities included performing create, insert, and retrieve operations to manage and access data such as food items, orders, and user details, ensuring smooth interactions between the application and the database.
Skills & Tools Covered
MySQL, MySQL Workbench, database design, select statements, Joins, String functions, Date functions, and aggregate functions
Accessing MongoDB database from backend server using ExpressJS as middleware and mongoose package
I worked on a project where I accessed the MongoDB database for the Food Order App from the backend server using ExpressJS and the Mongoose package. This involved setting up routes and models to interact with the database, allowing for efficient handling of data like food items, orders, and user information.
Skills & Tools Covered
ExpressJS, Mongoose package, authentication handler, Session handler, session handler, JWT,and Routing
Unit testing APIs of backend server for Food order app
I worked on a project where I tested APIs for food items using testing libraries like Mocha, Chai, and Supertest. This involved writing test cases to ensure the APIs were working correctly, validating responses, and making sure the system was handling food item data as expected.
Skills & Tools Covered
Unit testing using Chai Mocha and Supertest, writing test scripts